Heyyyy! Whoever said that 571 Grill sits on the bench was wrong! Our kitchen will be in it to win it with a special (but limited) carry-out-only menu for our favorite fans!
This is a pre-order-only event, so your order will need to be placed and paid for by Noon, Saturday, February 11th (the day before the Super Bowl)
This will give us some time to prep and be ready for your hunger!
Our SUPER BOWL Menu includes::
Wings + Medium Pizzas + Mac&Cheese Balls
- Our Smoked Wings- 25 for $35, 50 for $60.
- Medium Pizzas up to 4 toppings for $15 (medium gourmet pizzas available at regular price)
- Mac&Cheese Balls for $11
You can place and pay for your order any time between now and Noon on Saturday, February 11th. Call: 937-845-0089
Pickup of your order will be from 4-6 PM on Sunday (kickoff is around 6:30 PM)
Thank you for your patronage and let’s play ball!!